Raamatus „Noore loodusuurija seiklused“ tutvustab armastatud loodusfilmide tegija David Attenborough oma nooruspõlve loomakogumisretki, mille eesmärk oli püüda Londoni loomaaiale haruldasi loomi ning teha sellest BBC jaoks filme ja telesarju. Esimene retk viis Guyanasse suur-sipelgaõgija, teine Indoneesiasse komodo varaani ja kolmas Paraguaysse vöölase järele, kuid muidugi tutvuti igal reisil ka paljude muude iseäralike loomadega. „Noore loodusuurija seiklused“ on kirjutatud Attenborough’le...
David Attenborough is one of the most influential and admired figures in English television. When 26, he applied for a job in the BBC - which then meant radio - and was promptly turned down. But someone saw his rejected application and asked, would he like to try television? He would, and sixty years later, he is still at it. Elegantly told, often very funny, here is his story. At home there is his rise to controlling BBC2, introducing colour television to Britain, encounters with Montgomery,...