Romaanis „Sulnis hellitus” ühendab William Boyd oma suurepärase jutustusoskuse, kultuuriajaloo tundmise ja pikaaegse kire fotograafia vastu. Ammutades inspiratsiooni tuntud naisfotograafide eludest, toob ta lugejani põneva ja liigutava loo Amory Clay elust ja eneseavastamisest pikal 20. sajandil. Amory, kellele poega soovinud isa pani androgüünse nime, siirdub Esimese maailmasõja järellainetusest dekadentlikku 1930. aastate Berliini, Teise maailmasõja aegsesse Pariisi ja teistesse maailma...
The infamous literary hoax that fooled the art world On January 8 1960, artist Nat Tate set out to burn his entire life's work. Four days later he jumped off a Staten Island ferry, killing himself. His body was never found. When William Boyd published his biography of Abstract Expressionist Nat Tate, tributes poured in from a whole host of artists and critics in the New York art world. They toasted the troubled genius in a Manhattan launch party attended by David Bowie and Gore Vidal. ...