When a stray dog dying on the streets of Moscow is taken in by a wealthy professor, he is subjected to medical experiments in which he receives various transplants of human organs. As he begins to transform into a rowdy, unkempt human by the name of Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov, his actions distress the professor and those surrounding him, although he finds himself accepted into the ranks of the Soviet state.A parodic reworking of the Frankenstein myth and a vicious satire of the Communist...
New translation by Hugh Aplin. Now a major TV series. Using a sharply realistic and humorous style, Bulgakov reveals his doubts about his own competence and the immense burden of responsibility, as he deals with a superstitious and poorly educated people struggling to enter the modern age. This acclaimed collection contains some of Bulgakov's most personal and insightful observations on youth, isolation and progress.
Предлагаем вниманию читателей знаменитый роман советского писателя Михаила Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита».Роман, написанный в течение одного из самых мрачных десятилетий двадцатого века, отражает сложную историческую эпоху и настроения советского общества тех времен. Бог и дьявол, добро и зло, творчество и гибель — в романе множество сюжетных линий, противоречивых героев, поступки которых неоднозначны и вызывают у читателя и грусть, и смех, и желание открывать роман и окунаться в его мистику и...