Winner of the Wolfson History Prize, Christopher Clark's Iron Kingdom: The Rise and Downfall of Prussia 1600-1947 is a compelling account of a country that played a pivotal role in Europe's fortunes and fundamentally shaped our world. Prussia began as a medieval backwater, but transformed itself into a major European power and the force behind the creation of the German empire, until it was finally abolished by the Allies after the Second World War. With great flair and authority,...
Christopher Clark's Kaiser Wilhelm II: A Life in Power is a short, fascinating and accessible biography of one of the 20th century's most important figures. King of Prussia, German Emperor, war leader and defeated exile, Kaiser Wilhelm II was one of the most important - and most controversial - figures in the history of twentieth-century Europe. But how much power did he really have? Christopher Clark, winner of the Wolfson prize for his history of Prussia, Iron Kingdom, follows...
Christopher Clark's The Sleepwalkers has become one of the most influential history books of our century: a remarkable rethinking of the origins of the First World War, which has had a huge impact on how we see both the past and the present. For the many readers who found the narrative voice, craftsmanship and originality of Clark's writing so compelling, Prisoners of Time will be a book filled with surprises and enjoyment. Bringing together many of Clark's major essays,...
There can be few more exciting or frightening moments in European history than the spring of 1848. Almost as if by magic, in city after city, from Palermo to Paris to Venice, huge crowds gathered, sometimes peaceful and sometimes violent, and the political order that had held sway since the defeat of Napoleon simply collapsed. Christopher Clark's spectacular new book recreates with verve, wit and insight this extraordinary period. Some rulers gave up at once, others fought bitterly, but...
28. juuni 1914 hommikul, kui ertshertsog Franz Ferdinand ja tema abikaasa Sophie Chotek saabusid Sarajevo raudteejaama, valitses Euroopas rahu. Kolmkümmend seitse päeva hiljem oli Euroopa sõjas. Nimetatud suvel alguse saanud konflikt nõudis üle 20 miljoni inimese elu, hävitas kolm impeeriumi ja muutis igaveseks maailma ajalugu. „Uneskõndijad“ kirjeldab üksikasjaliselt, kuidas Esimese maailmasõjani viinud kriis arenes. Uutele allikatele toetudes näitab tunnustatud ajaloolane Christopher Clark,...