This is a modern-day adventure story featuring Paulo’s supernatural encounter with angels – who appear as warrior women and travel through the Mojave desert on their motorbikes.Haunted by a devastating curse, Paulo is instructed by his mysterious spiritual master to embark upon a journey – to find and speak to his guardian angel in an attempt to confront and overcome his dark past. The Valkyries is a compelling account of this forty day quest into the searing heat of the Mojave Desert, where...
A dramatic short story taken from the collection, BEYOND THE STARS, written by a number-one bestselling authorWhen Fleece, one of the foot soldiers of the valiant Hibernian Army, is sent to battle the demons of the Fomorian Empire, he becomes the accidental Hero of Drumree. Much to his surprise.Derek Landy’s action-packed tale is perfectly complemented by Alan Clarke’s brilliantly dramatic artwork.Look out for the other eleven stories – also available as e-shorts!