Скачать книги Isabel George

Warrior: The true story of the real war horse
The Small Dog With A Big Personality: Rats
The Most Decorated Dog In History: Sergeant Stubby
The Dog that Saved My Life: Incredible true stories of canine loyalty beyond all bounds
The 9/11 Dogs: The heroes who searched for survivors at Ground Zero
Prisoner of War: Judy
Our Best Pal: Gander
Murphy the Hero Donkey: A true WW1 story
Loyal Unto Death: Antis
From Death Row To Glory: Caesar
Fearless Under Fire: Tangye
Dog Soldiers: Part 3 of 3: Love, loyalty and sacrifice on the front line
Dog Soldiers: Part 2 of 3: Love, loyalty and sacrifice on the front line
Dog Soldiers: Part 1 of 3: Love, loyalty and sacrifice on the front line
Dog Soldiers: Love, loyalty and sacrifice on the front line
DOG Is GOD Spelt Backwards: Bonnie
D-day Dogs: Remarkable true stories of heroic dogs
Beyond the Call of Duty: Heart-warming stories of canine devotion and bravery