The 1st publication in the series "Fundamentals of Art" (two others are Fundamentals of Painting and Fundamentals of Composition). It is the first and only textbook on academic drawing that is officially approved and recommended by the Russian Academy of Arts. For several years this publication has become a very necessary source for studying academic drawing and is used as a reference book by art schools and academies worldwide. This well illustrated textbook is loaded with tables, images with...
"Основы живописи" является логическим продолжением предыдущего проекта – «Основы рисунка», осуществленного тем же автором и отмеченного Медалью Российской Академии художеств. Данное пособие представляет интерес для всех, кто желает овладеть основами живописи, столь необходимыми в процессе совершенствования этого сложного явления культуры. В популярной и доступной форме говорится об особенностях, принципах, приемах создания произведений живописи. Большое значение придается вопросам методики...
This is the 3rd and last textbook in the series of "Fundamentals of Art". The previous two editions are dedicated to Fundamentals of Drawing and Fundamentals of Painting. In the book Fundamentals of Composition, the author, on the basis of his own creative work and experience working with students, tried to show and explain how the painting is born. On the examples of outstanding Russian and foreign artists, he shows the process of working on sketches and explains the importance of collecting...