The story I want to tell might be shocking, but at the same time it is a copybook of maxims known for a long period. The purpose of my book is to prove that the moral laws existing for many thousand years are not obsolete puritan conventionalities as commonly believed in the modern Western World, but the necessary measures for supporting order and stability in the society. It is not only an important condition of physial and mental health of people, but the grounde for economic.
Иногда в суете и быстром темпе нашей жизни мы не замечаем важных вещей. Не придаем значения самым главным истинам, определяющим всю нашу жизнь. Эта книга поможет избежать серьезных ошибок при создании отношений, поможет найти свою любовь.