The final work from the brightest star in science fiction’s galaxy. Arthur C Clarke, who predicted the advent of communication satellites and author of 2001: A Space Odyssey completes a lifetime career in science fiction with a masterwork.30 light years away, a race known simply as the One Point Fives are plotting a dangerous invasion plan, one that will wipe humankind off the face of the Earth…Meanwhile, in Sri Lanka, a young astronomy student, Ranjit Subramanian, becomes obsessed with a...
Wealth ... or death. Those were the choices Gateway offered. Humans had discovered this artificial spaceport, full of working interstellar ships left behind by the mysterious, vanished Heechee. Their destinations are preprogrammed. They are easy to operate, but impossible to control. Some came back with discoveries which made their intrepid pilots rich; others returned with their remains barely identifiable. It was the ultimate game of Russian roulette, but in this resource-starved future there...
Das Buch Gateway: Ein Asteroid, der in einem exzentrischen Orbit um die Sonne entdeckt wird. Von außen ein verkohlter Materieklumpen, von innen das Tor zum Universum. Denn Gateway ist die Hinterlassenschaft der Hitschi, einer geheimnisvollen außerirdischen Zivilisation, die offenbar vor langer Zeit ausgestorben ist. Der Asteroid diente ihr als Weltraumbahnhof, er ist gespickt mit zahllosen Raumschiffen, die darauf programmiert sind, mit Überlichtgeschwindigkeit in die entferntesten Winkel des...