QlikView Your Business

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Содержание книги - QlikView Your Business Gibson Tammy, Bjork Lars, Leichtweis Charlie, Troyansky Oleg

QlikView Your Business - описание и краткое содержание, автор Gibson Tammy, Bjork Lars, Leichtweis Charlie, Troyansky Oleg, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

The Qlik platform was designed to provide a fast and easy data analytics tool, and QlikView Your Business is your detailed, full-color, step-by-step guide to understanding Qlikview's powerful features and techniques so you can quickly start unlocking your data’s potential. This expert author team brings real-world insight together with practical business analytics, so you can approach, explore, and solve business intelligence problems using the robust Qlik toolset and clearly communicate your results to stakeholders using powerful visualization features in QlikView and Qlik Sense. This book starts at the basic level and dives deep into the most advanced QlikView techniques, delivering tangible value and knowledge to new users and experienced developers alike. As an added benefit, every topic presented in the book is enhanced with tips, tricks, and insightful recommendations that the authors accumulated through years of developing QlikView analytics. This is the book for you: What You Will Learn: The book covers three common business scenarios – Sales, Profitability, and Inventory Analysis. Each scenario contains four chapters, covering the four main disciplines of business analytics: Business Case, Data Modeling, Scripting, and Visualizations. The material is organized by increasing levels of complexity. Following our comprehensive tutorial, you will learn simple and advanced QlikView and Qlik Sense concepts, including the following: Data Modeling: Basic and Advanced Scripting: Building Insightful Visualizations in QlikView: Building Insightful Visualizations in Qlik Sense: Whether you are just starting out with QlikView or are ready to dive deeper, QlikView Your Business is your comprehensive guide to sharpening your QlikView skills and unleashing the power of QlikView in your organization.

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