Coffin’s Ghost

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Содержание книги - Coffin’s Ghost Gwendoline Butler

Coffin’s Ghost - описание и краткое содержание, автор Gwendoline Butler, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

When a parcel containing dismembered limbs is found outside a women’s refuge with the initials J.C., Chief Commander John Coffin is forced to confront the ghosts of his past. A gripping crime novel from one of the most universally admired English mystery writers.Everyone has a few ghosts in their lives, especially John Coffin, Chief Commander of the Second City of London’s Police. He had thought all his were laid to rest though, and, newly recovered from a gunshot wound, is hoping for a calmer life with his actress wife Stella Pinero.But he is soon to learn how wrong he is when a parcel containing dismembered limbs is found outside a women’s refuge. The Serena Seddon Shelter for battered wives is located in Barrow Street, not far from Coffin’s own home in St Luke’s Tower. The link to Coffin, though, is more sinister than mere proximity, for the initials J.C. are written on the package, and the shelter is housed in the building where he lived on his arrival in the Second City.The discovery opens a door, through which troop a succession of horrible and violent events: lies, deception and sudden death.Thus Coffin’s ghost walks…

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