Upon A Winter's Night

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Содержание книги - Upon A Winter's Night Karen Harper

Upon A Winter's Night - описание и краткое содержание, автор Karen Harper, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

A cold night's silent majesty hides a bitter secret…Though she is deeply loved by her parents, the fact that Lydia Brand is adopted has always made her different from her close-knit Amish community. But as Christmas approaches and she begins to search for answers about her biological parents, more questions surface. Soon it seems that the deaths of two women in her small town may not be coincidences, after all. And her pursuit of the truth has left her only with hints of a dark secret and threats from an unseen adversary. While she does her best to stave off advances from her parents' preferred suitor, Lydia discovers that her heart truly belongs to the man who's been there all along: her friend Josh Yoder.It's only with his help that Lydia can ensure that the stillness of a winter's night means peace… and not danger.

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