Exotic Affairs: The Mistress Bride / The Spanish Husband / The Bellini Bride

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Содержание книги - Exotic Affairs: The Mistress Bride / The Spanish Husband / The Bellini Bride Michelle Reid

Exotic Affairs: The Mistress Bride / The Spanish Husband / The Bellini Bride - описание и краткое содержание, автор Michelle Reid, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Lover Sheikh Raschid Al Kadah and Evie Delahaye’s high-profile affair had lasted for two ecstatic years, but soon the relationship would have to end; Raschid was expected to marry an Arabian princess. But then Evie discovered she was with child…To Seven years ago Caroline had fallen in love – and into bed – with powerful Spaniard Luiz Vazquez. Believing he’d betrayed her, she’d fled. Now, she’s back – being forced to accept his proposal and trying to keep him at a distance!Bride Marco feels bound to marry and produce an heir to the famous Bellini fortune. But Antonia, his delectable mistress, is the only woman he wants in his life and his bed. Will he take his unsuitable mistress for his wife?

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