Putting It to the Test

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Содержание книги - Putting It to the Test Lori Borrill

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She did it! Sweetly shy Carly Abrams, programmer extraordinaire, cheated on the sex survey. This way, she's guaranteed to be paired up with infuriating (but no less delectable man-thing) coworker Matt Jacobs on a new account. If she's caught, she'll be neck-deep in pink slips. Unfortunately, working closely with Matt could land her in deeper–and much, much hotter–water. . . .Turns out Matt and Carly couldn't be more suited for each other. . . sexually. And when Matt discovers that Carly's cute exterior conceals thoughts lusty enough to make a porn star blush, he can barely keep himself from pulling her into an empty office, locking the door and putting the sex survey's results to the test. . . but good!

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