Justin's Bride

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - Justin's Bride Сьюзен Мэллери

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Fall back in love with 1800s Kansas in Susan Mallery's fan-favorite tale of love, loss, and redemption. Justin Kincaid is the local bad-boy-turned-sheriff, and now he's got to prove himself tohis people and his town. When a saloon girl is murdered, it's up to him to lead theinvestigation and to find a home for the dead woman's young daughter. But what he hadn'tcounted on was Megan, the only woman he's ever loved, volunteering to take in the younggirl Megan Bartlett had all but given up on ever seeing Justin Kincaid again when he returnedto assume the sheriff's position. And the man who returnsthe man with a bitter, mockingsmileis not the man she remembers. But when she notices how tender he is with theorphaned girl, she can't help but see glimpses of the man she fell in love with, and shewonders if life has granted them a second chance after all…

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