Bought To Wear The Billionaire's Ring

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Содержание книги - Bought To Wear The Billionaire's Ring CATHY WILLIAMS

Bought To Wear The Billionaire's Ring - описание и краткое содержание, автор CATHY WILLIAMS, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Their six-week betrothal bargainSamantha Wilson never forgot the sting of Leo Morgan-White’s youthful rejection, but now the brooding billionaire is offering a solution to her mother’s debts, and she can’t refuse.Leo’s deal was simple, Samantha would pose as his fiancée to help secure custody of his late step-brother’s daughter. But Samantha’s purity is a breath of fresh air in Leo’s cynical world and the temptation to satisfy his lust for her becomes irresistible.As the end of their agreement approaches, Sam’s ability to resist their potent attraction is buckling under the weight of wearing Leo’s ring and the heat of his expert touch…

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