Interview With the Vixen (Archie Horror, Book 2)

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Год издания: 2020
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Содержание книги - Interview With the Vixen (Archie Horror, Book 2) Barrow Rebecca

Interview With the Vixen (Archie Horror, Book 2) - описание и краткое содержание, автор Barrow Rebecca, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

High school bites - especially when you wantto kill your classmates. Based on the original Archie Comics characters!Everyone knows the characters from Riverdale: popularArchie Andrews, sophisticated Veronica Lodge, girl-next-door BettyCooper and angsty Jughead Jones. But this is not the Riverdaleyou know and love. Something twisted has awoken in the town withpep. Inspired by the iconic Archie Horror comics, this reimagineduniverse takes the grittiness of the TV show and adds a paranormaltwist.Veronica Lodge has it all: the rich parents and the big house.The popular jock boyfriend. And fangs. When Veronica is bitten byan ancient vampire named Ivan, she learns that his plan is to turnas many people in Riverdale as possible - and kill therest.Ivan has a horde of minion vampires helping him, including Veronica'sparents. She knows the only way to save the people she lovesis to kill the Master Vampire. But can Veronica keep her ownbloodlust under control?The Archie Horror series contains all-new, original storiesthat fans of horror AND fans of Riverdale will die for!

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Barrow Rebecca

, 2020
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