Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary

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Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary - описание и краткое содержание, автор Collins Dictionaries, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Optimised for colour tablets. The images in this e-book are not suitable for black and white e-ink devices.Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary is ideal for young learners of French as their first REAL dictionary. It offers detailed coverage of key French and English vocabulary in a highly attractive, colourful and easy-to-use format.Collins Primary Illustrated French Dictionary has been designed specifically to meet the needs of children learning French, particularly in primary school. It has also been written to give support to teachers who may be faced with the challenge of teaching French to young children for the first time.• Core vocabulary is covered in detail with simple examples to illustrate usage and key phrases highlighted.• Colourful topic pages in the middle of the dictionary give additional vocabulary for pupils and teachers.• A clear, colourful layout and carefully selected illustrations make it fun, quick and easy to find what you are looking for.Other titles in the Collins French Dictionary range include the Collins Easy Learning French Dictionary, Collins Gem French School Dictionary and Collins French School Dictionary – providing all the support you need when learning French.

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