In Broad Daylight

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Содержание книги - In Broad Daylight Marie Ferrarella

In Broad Daylight - описание и краткое содержание, автор Marie Ferrarella, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

She moved like poetry and wore her sensuality like a second skin. Blond, beautiful Brenda York could make a good cop cross the line. And when that cop was Dax Cavanaugh, on the trail of a missing child, it was an all-out war between duty and desire. And desire was winning.Thrown together with the detective searching for her kidnapped student, Brenda couldn't ignore the sexual tension simmering between them. But what would happen once Dax learned she was carrying another man's child? Was their love strong enough to make them forget everything but the need to be together at any cost?

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