Racing Against Time

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Содержание книги - Racing Against Time Marie Ferrarella

Racing Against Time - описание и краткое содержание, автор Marie Ferrarella, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Honorable Brenton Montgomery would break every rule to recover his kidnapped little girl. But he wasn't prepared to clash with the one woman he'd secretly loved for years, Detective Callie Cavanaugh, whose job it was to find Rachel. And when tensions grew hot between them, Brenton knew he'd have one helluva fight on his hands…and in his heart.Every time the troubled single father touched her, kissed her, he made Callie's job that much harder. When this nightmare was over, how would she ever find the strength to walk away from this man and his precious daughter without wanting more?

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