Spirit Of The Wolf

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Содержание книги - Spirit Of The Wolf Сьюзен Мэллери

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Be swept away by this fan-favourite story of love, healing, and family in 1800s Montana from New York Times best-selling author Susan Mallery.Caleb Kincaid has always carried a secret torch for the beautiful Ruth Whitefeather, who lives on the nearby Cheyenne reserve, but things never quite worked out between them. And when Caleb learns that his girlfriend is pregnant he does the honourable thing and marries her,even though the love between them has long faded and Caleb could never quell his feelings for Ruth.Years later, Caleb's wife passes away, and he finds himself a widower,ill-equipped to deal with his rambunctious son, Zeke. When Zeke runs away, and turns up on the Cheyenne reserve, he is returned to his father by none other than the woman Caleb has always secretly loved—Ruth Whitefeather. Ruth sees immediately that Caleb needs help keeping his house in order, and that Zeke is desperately in need of a mother's love and affection. But can Ruth's gentle touch heal Caleb's heart? And can a second chance bring the promise of lasting love for both of them?

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