Lonergan's Secrets: Expecting Lonergan's Baby / Strictly Lonergan's Business / Satisfying Lonergan's Honour

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Содержание книги - Lonergan's Secrets: Expecting Lonergan's Baby / Strictly Lonergan's Business / Satisfying Lonergan's Honour Maureen Child

Lonergan's Secrets: Expecting Lonergan's Baby / Strictly Lonergan's Business / Satisfying Lonergan's Honour - описание и краткое содержание, автор Maureen Child, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Expecting Lonergan’s Baby Surgeon Sam Lonergan lived a no-strings-attached life…until he met Maggie Collins, the young, sexy housekeeper of his family’s ranch. Their affair was hot, their secret rendezvous hotter. But after sharing incredible passion with Sam, Maggie discovered she was pregnant.Strictly Lonergan’s BusinessTired of going unnoticed by the boss she loved for years, Kara Sloan decided now was the time to pack her bags and quit. But just as she was about to storm away, Cooper Lonergan surprised her with a night of seduction. Cooper’s plan was to do anything to keep Kara in his life…Satisfying Lonergan’s HonourThey hadn’t touched since that night years before when passion spiralled out of control, yet Donna recognised the desire in Jake Lonergan’s eyes. Now Jake is determined to give her and her son the Lonergan name – his honour demands it!

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