Desiring the Reilly Brothers: The Tempting Mrs Reilly / Whatever Reilly Wants... / The Last Reilly Standing

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Содержание книги - Desiring the Reilly Brothers: The Tempting Mrs Reilly / Whatever Reilly Wants... / The Last Reilly Standing Maureen Child

Desiring the Reilly Brothers: The Tempting Mrs Reilly / Whatever Reilly Wants... / The Last Reilly Standing - описание и краткое содержание, автор Maureen Child, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The Tempting Mrs ReillyBrian Reilly was a man on edge. It had been two long weeks since he and his brothers had made “the” bet. But now that Tina Coretti, his beautiful ex-wife, was within arm’s reach again, he didn’t know how he’d survive! And Tina wanted a baby. Brian’s baby.Whatever Reilly Wants… For two years, gorgeous Connor Reilly had been coming to Emma’s shop and she’d listened to him talk about his women. She’d thought their relationship was special. Until he said how “safe” and “comfortable” he felt with her. Well, war was declared!The Last Reilly StandingOnly three more weeks and Aidan Reilly’d be the winner of the no-sex bet he made with his brothers. Then he met Terry Evans. Her voice was soft and just the kind a man liked to hear coming from the pillow beside his. He wanted her. In his bed…

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