His San Diego Sweetheart

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Возрастные ограничения - 18+

Содержание книги - His San Diego Sweetheart Yahrah St. John

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Just say you willPlenty of women have tried to capture the treasurer of the San Diego chapter of the Millionaire Moguls, Vaughn Ellicott —and his impressive bank account. When the ex-naval officer meets a gorgeous stranger in need of help, he surprises himself by offering her a mutually beneficial deal. Career-minded Vaughn tells himself that their business arrangement will get his family off his back. But suddenly that’s not nearly as important as getting his beautiful new bride into bed…Hotel manager Miranda Jensen needs to marry to inherit her grandfather’s fortune. Now the perfect solution to her problem has become handsomely complicated. Between private evenings at Vaughn’s lavish beachfront estate and glittering public events on his arm, she begins to truly fall for their pretend affair. And soon Miranda’s no longer able to settle for less than love. Will Vaughn choose to turn make-believe into passionate reality?

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