The Cowgirl's Forever Family

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Содержание книги - The Cowgirl's Forever Family Helen Lacey

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ONE WEEK TO BUILD A HAPPY-EVER-AFTER?The cowgirl: Brooke Laughton wants one thing: the family she can't have. When a gorgeous man and a giggling baby girl step onto her Cedar River ranch, her dream comes true. Or so she hopes…The city-boy: Tyler Madden wants to find the baby's unwitting birth father–Brooke's missing brother–and fulfill a promise to the late mother. Then he can go back to his lucrative law practice. Or so he hopes…But one little baby has a different agenda. Little Cara wants a family…and the lonely cowgirl and the commitment-phobic lawyer are just the mommy and daddy she needs! She's got one week to show them what's right in front of them. Desire. Love. And the promise of a forever family…

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