The Highlander's Haunted Kiss

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Содержание книги - The Highlander's Haunted Kiss Joanne Rock

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Scotland, 1890Lillian Desalles has no business trespassing in Iain Darroch's family stronghold. By rights, the American beauty shouldn't even be able to see him. Cursed to wander the Highlands for all time, Iain appears to other mortals as a specter. Yet to Lily, he's every inch a man. And the desires that have been dormant for over a century come crashing back to life at her touch.Lily needs to claim her late husband's Scottish property if she's to have any chance of independence. Invergale keep is rugged and rough but breathtaking–as is the warrior protecting it. And loving the Highlander may free him at last…or doom her to share his fate forever.Secrets of the Darroch Clan

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