Father by Surprise: A Man of Distinction / His Baby Surprise

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Содержание книги - Father by Surprise: A Man of Distinction / His Baby Surprise Lisa Childs, Sarah M. Anderson

Father by Surprise: A Man of Distinction / His Baby Surprise - описание и краткое содержание, автор Lisa Childs, Sarah M. Anderson, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

Together for the first time in one volume, two classic romance stories from Sarah M. Anderson and Lisa Childs.A Man of DistinctionNick Longhair said goodbye to his life on the reservation without regrets—even though Tanya Rattling Blanket refused to join him. But when business brings him back, he finally understands what he exchanged for money and power. Tanya has been raising his baby! Determined to give his child every advantage, Nick isn't about to leave again…at least not alone.His Baby SurpriseProfessional hockey player Brooks Hoover is home to recuperate and map out his future…which wasn't supposed to include fatherhood! Yet there's a baby on his doorstep. Even more surprising, the once prim and proper Priscilla Andrews—now his boss—agrees to help him with the baby. All this domestic sharing makes him think he's more of a family man than a big-time sports star.

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