Broken Bonds

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Содержание книги - Broken Bonds Karen Harper

Broken Bonds - описание и краткое содержание, автор Karen Harper, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

www.KarenHarperAuthor.comHaunted by the past…Cold Creek is a place with a dark history, especially for the Lockwoods. Now adults, the three Lockwood sisters are still recovering from the events that led to the destruction of their family when they were children. Determined to move forward, Tess and Kate are making fresh starts, ready to put bad–even deadly–memories to rest and settle happily in the small but booming town. And they're hoping their older sister, Charlene, can do the same.Char is back in town seeking comfort as she figures out her next move. A social worker used to difficult situations, she soon runs afoul of some locals who think she's sticking her nose where it doesn't belong. She's certain something sinister is being covered up, and when she witnesses Matt Rowan being run off the road, she knows she's right.Working together, Matt and Char figure uncovering the truth will be dangerous, but living in Cold Creek won't be safe for any of them until its secrets are revealed.

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