Kentucky Confidential

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Содержание книги - Kentucky Confidential Paula Graves

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The return of the wife he thought was lost and a baby he never knew existed will make this a Christmas to remember…Captain Connor McGinnis has seen a ghost. Staring at a surveillance photo of a Kaziri immigrant, there can be no mistaking the starkly beautiful–and visibly pregnant–woman in a head scarf is his wife Risa. The woman he presumed dead after her plane crashed into the ocean.Risa McGinnis, relocated by the CIA when they learned of a price on her head, has settled into the guise of a widowed immigrant. Confronting Connor again resurrects sweet memories and a burning passion. But until this unknown enemy is captured, Risa must focus more on Connor's protection than on their attraction. After all, the strength of her marriage—and the safety of her baby—depends on it…

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