Baby Jane Doe

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Содержание книги - Baby Jane Doe Julie Miller

Baby Jane Doe - описание и краткое содержание, автор Julie Miller, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Commissioner Shauna Cartwright knew she was stirring up a hornet's nest by reopening the Baby Jane Doe murder case. Now she faced the further wrath of the KCPD by recruiting the much-maligned Eli Masterson to get the job done.After witnessing the handsome, hard-nosed detective in action during a botched bank robbery, she sensed he would face down her enemies. However, she was overpowered by her scandalous sexual attraction to the IA investigator who pushed the limits of her authority in his die-hard need to protect her from a sadistic killer. Surrendering to temptation broke every departmental rule imaginable…but as the case of Baby Jane Doe emerges from the shadows, would they risk their badges for love–and systematically stop a lethal traitor in his tracks?

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