Down River

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Содержание книги - Down River Karen Harper

Down River - описание и краткое содержание, автор Karen Harper, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

In the churning water, she felt her future slipping away… Attending a corporate retreat at a remote resort in Alaska, Lisa is plunged into the frigid rapids of the Wild River. Swept away, battered and alone, she has been left for dead. Lodge owner Mitch knows something is terribly wrong when Lisa fails to turn up for a private meeting to clear the air and close the book on their broken engagement.Embarking on a heroic search that takes him miles downriver, he saves Lisa from the deadly water, but not before they’ve been swept deep into the wilderness. Far from civilisation, the former lovers must put aside their hurt feelings and find the will to survive against nature.There’s a killer on the loose and, for now, they must measure their future together in days rather than years…

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