Stone Mattress: Nine Tales

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Год издания: 2015
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Содержание книги - Stone Mattress: Nine Tales Atwood M.

Stone Mattress: Nine Tales - описание и краткое содержание, автор Atwood M., читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

From the bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale and The Testaments--a thrilling, funny, and thought-provoking collection of stories that affirms Atwood as our greatest creator of worlds--and as an incisive chronicler of our darkest impulses.
"Alphinland," the first of three loosely linked tales, introduces us to a fantasy writer who is guided through a stormy winter evening by the voice of her late husband. In "Lusus Naturae," a young woman, monstrously transformed by a genetic defect, is mistaken for a vampire. And in the title story, a woman who has killed four husbands discovers an opportunity to exact vengeance on the first man who ever wronged her.
Stone Mattress is a collection of unforgettable tales that reveal the grotesque, delightfully wicked facets of humanity.

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