Satin Island

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Год издания: 2019
Полная версия книги


Содержание книги - Satin Island Маккарти Кормак

Satin Island - описание и краткое содержание, автор Маккарти Кормак, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

U. is a 'corporate anthropologist' who, while working on a giant, epoch-defining project no one really understands, is also tasked with writing the Great Report on our society. But instead, U. spends his days procrastinating, meandering through endless buffer-zones of information and becoming obsessed by the images with which the world bombards him on a daily basis: oil spills, African traffic jams, roller-blade processions. Is there a secret logic holding all these images together? Once cracked, will it unlock the master-meaning of our era? Might it have something to do with the dead parachutists in the news? Perhaps; perhaps not........ ..............................

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