Увлекательный двухуровневый курс для самых маленьких учащихся развивает словарный запас, тренирует фонетику и знакомит с семейными ценностями. 2-е издание First Friends обладает всеми популярными функциями первого издания, которые нравятся учителям: простой в использовании модульной структурой, успешной методологией, соответствием культуре и богатыми ресурсами. Кроме того, теперь в нем есть расширенный словарный запас, уроки ценностей в каждом блоке, практические межпредметные занятия, связанные...
A fun two-level course for very young learners that develops vocabulary practises phonics and teaches family values. First Friends 2nd Edition has all the popular features of the first edition that teachers love: an easy-to-follow structure, successful methodology, cultural suitability and rich resources. Plus it now has an expanded vocabulary syllabus, values lessons in every unit, practical cross-curricular lessons that link in with other subjects and engaging activities to improve critical...
A fun two-level course for very young learners that develops vocabulary practises phonics and teaches family values. First Friends 2nd Edition has all the popular features of the first edition that teachers love: an easy-to-follow structure, successful methodology, cultural suitability and rich resources. Plus it now has an expanded vocabulary syllabus, values lessons in every unit, practical cross-curricular lessons that link in with other subjects and engaging activities to improve critical...
Twenty-five activities to settle children into a class or bring the lesson to an end. Starting and Ending Lessons focuses on children's need for constant language revision. It provides easy, adaptable activities that use movement and games to maintain variety in the classroom.