Plain Simple Useful: The Essence of Conran Style

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Год издания: 2020
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Содержание книги - Plain Simple Useful: The Essence of Conran Style Conran T.

Plain Simple Useful: The Essence of Conran Style - описание и краткое содержание, автор Conran T., читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

'A handsome yet joyful manual for easy, stylish living.' - Architectural Digest Terence Conran always believed that objects - and surroundings - that are plain, simple and useful are the key to easy living. By being practical and performing well over time, they are as much the antidote to superficial styling as they are to the shoddy and second-rate. Applied to the home as a whole, this discerning approach results in interiors that are effortlessly stylish, confident and timeless, with plenty of room for the expression of personal taste. Plain Simple Useful is organized according to the main activities that take place at home. Inspirational interiors, many of which were Conran's own, provide all the guidance you need to tailor-make your own storage. The book also features iconic examples of classic designs that will enhance any home, as well as a peek behind the closed doors of those well-ordered cupboards, larders and other stowing spaces that contribute so much to easy living. This updated edition of the book features a new chapter on plain, simple, useful style outdoors with elegant contemporary ideas for eating and relaxing spaces outside.

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