Paper architecture An anthology

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Год издания: 2021
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Содержание книги - Paper architecture An anthology Аввакумов Ю.

Paper architecture An anthology - описание и краткое содержание, автор Аввакумов Ю., читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

The first comprehensive publication covering the history of paper architecture, a unique phenomenon of the Soviet 1980s.
Architect and curator Yuri Avvakumov explores the legendary movement of paper architects which the author himself was an avid representative of. Paper architecture—a variation of conceptualism in architecture that circulated in the form of journal publications, exhibitions, and competitions of ideas—was the product of nonconformist reflection which appropriated languages and tropes of various architectural style for the creation of multivalent project designs. Paper architecture brings together the visual means of expression typical of fine arts, architecture proper, literature, and theater. The book features texts and works by all the key participants of the movement, including Yuri Avvakumov, Mikhail Belov, Alexander Brodsky, Lev Evzovich, Totan Kuzembaev, Vyachslav Mizin, Ilya Utkin, and Mikhail Philippov.

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