Daisy and the Big Yellow Kite

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Год издания: 2020
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Содержание книги - Daisy and the Big Yellow Kite Munton Gill

Daisy and the Big Yellow Kite - описание и краткое содержание, автор Munton Gill, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

One windy day, Daisy the Dinosaur goes to the hill with Mum, Dad and Danny. Daisy and Danny fly their new kites. Then Daisy sees a big yellow kite, but when she flies it, she goes high in the sky too.
The Macmillan Explorers Phonics bring first language teaching methods to reading lessons in international classrooms. They focus on how reading works, so children are able to read new texts and pronounce new words more easily. The Macmillan Explorers Phonics complement the Macmillan English Explorers and can also be used alongside any other reading programme.

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