Peril at End House

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Год издания: 2018
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Содержание книги - Peril at End House Christie Agatha

Peril at End House - описание и краткое содержание, автор Christie Agatha, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

On holiday on the Cornish Riviera, Hercule Poirot is alarmed to hear pretty Nick Buckley describe her recent "accidental brushes with death". First, on a treacherous Cornish hillside, the brakes on her car failed. Then, on a coastal path, a falling boulder missed her by inches. Later, an oil painting fell and almost crushed her in bed.

So when Poirot finds a bullet hole in Nick's sun hat, he decides that this girl needs his help. Can he find the would-be killer before he hits his target?

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