With My Body

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Содержание книги - With My Body Gemmell Nikki

With My Body - описание и краткое содержание, автор Gemmell Nikki, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

For fans of FIFTY SHADES OF GREY; the author of sensational bestseller THE BRIDE STRIPPED BARE returns with a powerful tale of marriage and desire.
"There's something incredibly erotic about a woman" - his voice drops into breath, he can barely say it - "bound. Hidden," he continues. "Wrapped. Think of Heloise and Abelard. Unwrapping themselves, all their clothes, their known lives - for each other, no one else. The cheongsam…will you wear it? For me?"
You nod your obeyance…'
You remember a man whose only pleasure was in giving. You escape from the drudgery of married life in memories of that first affair, with a man who thrilled with your desire. Who asked you to try everything in a quest to find the extremes of your love.
The story of an education in love with the most compelling hero since Christian Grey; discover passion reawakened in WITH MY BODY…

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