For Five Shillings a Day: Personal Histories of World War II

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Содержание книги - For Five Shillings a Day: Personal Histories of World War II Dr. Richard Campbell-Begg, Dr. Peter Liddle

For Five Shillings a Day: Personal Histories of World War II - описание и краткое содержание, автор Dr. Richard Campbell-Begg, Dr. Peter Liddle, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

An amazing collection of eyewitness accounts of the British experience in World War II. First-hand narratives are drawn from every rank of the army and every corner of the conflict to create a moving and illuminating story of the greatest war of this century.Fascinating, moving, frightening, sometimes comic, this selection of eyewitness accounts has been edited into chronological order to form a magnificent oral history of the British and Commonwealth forces at war.We follow some 60 interviewees from the Army, RAF and Navy from 1939 to the Battle of Britain, the Desert War, the fall of Singapore, the Italian campaign, D-Day, to the occupation of Germany and the war in Burma. We hear from fighter pilots, nurses, gunners, commandos, Chindits and paratroopers. Their experiences on land, sea, in the air…and in some cases as prisoners of the Germans or Japanese are unique testimony from some remarkable men and women.

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