If You Love Me: Part 1 of 3: True love. True terror. True story.

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Содержание книги - If You Love Me: Part 1 of 3: True love. True terror. True story. Jane Smith, Alice Keale

If You Love Me: Part 1 of 3: True love. True terror. True story. - описание и краткое содержание, автор Jane Smith, Alice Keale, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

'You said I was the perfect boyfriend. If you can prove you really love me, perhaps I can be that way again.'This is the chilling true story of a woman trapped in a devastating relationship as she tries to prove her love – over and over again.Within days of spending their first evening together, Alice and Joe were talking about getting married and spending the rest of their lives with each other. Everything about Joe seemed perfect, and Alice was the happiest she’d ever been.Then one day Joe saw a message on her phone from an old love, and that changed everything. He ignored Alice’s explanations and desperate pleas. And soon the violence and abuse began.As she attempted to prove to Joe that he really was her world, Alice gave up everything that mattered to her, including her family, her friends and her job. But still it wasn’t enough.Then the ‘challenges’ started, and finally Alice dared to hope that this time, maybe this time, Joe might just believe she loved him …

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