100 Of The Best Curses and Insults In Spanish: A Toolkit for the Testy Tourist

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Содержание книги - 100 Of The Best Curses and Insults In Spanish: A Toolkit for the Testy Tourist Chuck Gonzales, Rachel Perez, Antonio Martinez

100 Of The Best Curses and Insults In Spanish: A Toolkit for the Testy Tourist - описание и краткое содержание, автор Chuck Gonzales, Rachel Perez, Antonio Martinez, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки paraknig.me

For When You Need Just the Right WordTravelling is fantastic – we don't deny it. But sometimes when you're in another country, stuff happens. A thieving kid lifts your wallet, a cab driver nearly kills you, or a waiter charges you $25 for bottled water. You feel powerless without the ability to do what you really want to do – curse them out.Help is at hand! Here are 100 of the best curses and insults in Spanish so the next time a waiter in Valencia refers to you as a yanqui or a pushy guitarrista in Barcelona assaults you with romantic serenades, you'll know precisely how to say, ¡Come mierdes!

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