She Must Be Mad: the bestselling poetry debut of 2018

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Содержание книги - She Must Be Mad: the bestselling poetry debut of 2018 Charly Cox

She Must Be Mad: the bestselling poetry debut of 2018 - описание и краткое содержание, автор Charly Cox, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

‘Poetry meets mental health in Charly Cox’s brave and beautiful She Must Be Mad.’ Stylist Magazine‘Reading this book made me feel less alone.’ MashableShe Must be Mad explores coming-of-age: the pain and beauty of love, the relief and the agony of turning from girl to woman, the isolation of an untethered mind and the power and subjugation of the body.Charly captures the formative experiences of today’s young women from the poignant to the prosaic in writing that is at once witty, wry and heartfelt. Wayward nights out that don’t go as planned; the righteous anger at those men with no talent or skill or smarts who occupy the most powerful positions in the world; the strange banality of madness and, of course, the hurt and indecision of unrequited love.For every woman surviving and thriving in today’s world, for every girl who feels too much; this is a call for communion, and you are not alone.

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