An Orphan in the Snow: The heart-warming saga you need to read this year

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Содержание книги - An Orphan in the Snow: The heart-warming saga you need to read this year Molly Green

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War rages, but the women and children of Liverpool’s Dr Barnado’s Home cannot give up hope. An Orphan in the Snow is the perfect heartwarming saga to curl up with this winter.LIVERPOOL, 1941Haunted by the death of her sister, June Lavender takes a job at a Dr Barnardo’s orphanage. June couldn’t save Clara from their father’s violence, but perhaps she can help children whose lives have been torn apart by war.A WORLD AT WARWhen June bumps into Flight Lieutenant Murray Andrews on the bombed streets of Liverpool, the attraction is instant. But how can they think of love when war is tearing the world apart?A FIGHT FOR HOPEAs winter closes in, and the war rages on, can June find the strength and courage to make a better life for herself and the children?A gripping story of love, friendship and hope in the darkest of places. Molly Green is an exciting new voice in saga fiction, perfect for fans of Nadine Dorries and Katie Flynn.

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