Cornish Castle Mystery Collection: Tales of murder and mystery from Cornwall

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Содержание книги - Cornish Castle Mystery Collection: Tales of murder and mystery from Cornwall Vivian Conroy

Cornish Castle Mystery Collection: Tales of murder and mystery from Cornwall - описание и краткое содержание, автор Vivian Conroy, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

‘Is yet another fantastic tale.’Karen Quick‘Guinevere is a little like a modern day Miss Marple’Adele BThe perfect cosy crime bundle, featuring both Cornish Castle mysteries.Welcome to Cornisea island and the mysteries surrounding the Cornish Castle…Death Plays a PartWhen her beloved London theatre closes for renovations, costume maker Guinevere is excited to start a job at Cornisea castle, a centuries-old keep on a small tidal island off the coast of Cornwall. Imagine a whole summer full of stories of hidden treasures, fab food and long walks with her perky dachshund Dolly.But when a reenactment of a medieval trial in the castle dungeons ends in real-life murder, and accusations threaten the castle's future, Guinevere and Dolly dig deep into the island community's best-kept secrets to unmask the killer and save their Cornish summer.Rubies in the RosesGuinevere Evans has a dream summer job: cataloguing books at a castle on a tidal island off the coast of Cornwall. With her perky dachshund Dolly by her side she explores the island’s colourful history, tries fabulous local food and sees the gorgeous sunsets.But when an old friend of her employer drops in, claiming a rare bejewelled wedding goblet is hidden in the castle gardens, strange events start to take place: several people turn up claiming they have a right to the elusive goblet, and a dead body is found on the beach.An unfortunate accident, or does this death relate to the struggle for ownership of the goblet? Is there even a goblet?Guinevere and Dolly dig in and discover plenty of motives to lie, steal and yes, maybe even kill. Can they prove what really happened to the victim and what became of the precious rubies that are at the heart of the mystery?Readers love Vivian Conroy:‘Excellent and compelling’‘I will be diving head first in to Vivian's other stories! Love, love, love!’‘Thank you Viv, for such a delightful story and I can't wait to delve in to the next chapter of Guinevere and Dolly's adventures’‘A really well written book. If you like a really good mystery on a par with Christie then this is for you.’‘Full of Mystery, suspense, Drama & the best super sleuth Pup star of the book…. Dolly!!!’

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