Answers to the questions real mum and dads have during the first year.There isn’t one perfect way of parenting: every single baby and family is unique. Feeling confident, authentic and positive about your role as a parent is key to building a loving relationship. This book helps you find your parenting style so you can be the parent you want to be.Written by Sarah Beeson MBE, who has over 40 years hands-on experience of working as a health visitor, this book is full of the author’s secrets and tried and tested strategies on breastfeeding, sleeping, weaning, calming your baby and forming a secure attachment .Nurturing, practical and refreshingly honest, this book embraces the idea that one-size parenting doesn’t fit all, but with Sarah Beeson’s book to hand you have a best friend with great advice and a gentle approach to guide you through the first.
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Автор | Михаил Эпштейн |
Жанр | Педагогика, Секс и семейная психология |
Год | 2014 |
Автор | Этери Чаландзия |
Жанр | Психология, Секс и семейная психология |
Год | 2011 |
Автор | Ричард Темплар |
Жанр | Психология, Секс и семейная психология |
Год | 2009 |
Автор | Ольга Кавер |
Жанр | Здоровье, Секс и семейная психология, Психиатрия, Специальная медицина |
Год | 2014 |
Автор | Эдуард Шатов, Ольга Бакушинская |
Жанр | Публицистика, Психология, Секс и семейная психология, Католицизм, Религии мира, Художественная литература |
Год | 2014 |