Richard Holmes’s great work of biographical exploration, published alongside its sister volume ‘Sidetracks’.In 1985, Richard Holmes published a small book of essays called ‘Footsteps’ and the writing of biography was changed forever. A daring mix of travel, biographical sleuthing and personal memoir, it broke all the conventions of the genre and remains ons of the most intoxicating, magical works of modern literary exploration ever published.Sleeping rough, he retraces Robert Louis Stevenson's famous journey through the Cevennes. Caught up in the Parisian riots of the 1960s, he dives back in time to the terrors of Wordsworth and of Mary Wollstonecraft marooned in Revolutionary Paris and then into the strange tortured worlds of Gérard de Nerval. Wandering through Italy, he stalks Shelley and his band of Romantic idealists to Casa Magni on the Gulf of Spezia.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.
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Автор | Андрей Танасейчук |
Жанр | Публицистика, Биографии и Мемуары |
Год | 2013 |
Автор | Борис Сопельняк |
Жанр | Публицистика, Биографии и Мемуары, Художественная литература |
Год | 2013 |
Автор | Олег Сергеевич Смыслов |
Жанр | Публицистика, Биографии и Мемуары |
Год | 2010 |
Автор | Степан Иванович Ракша |
Жанр | Публицистика, Биографии и Мемуары, О войне |
Год | 1959 |
Автор | Светлана Хоркина |
Жанр | Публицистика, Биографии и Мемуары, Спорт |
Год | 2008 |
Автор | Джон Пирсон |
Жанр | Публицистика, Биографии и Мемуары |
Год | 1997 |