World War One: History in an Hour

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Содержание книги - World War One: History in an Hour Rupert Colley

World War One: History in an Hour - описание и краткое содержание, автор Rupert Colley, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour.The ‘Great War’, from July 1914 to November 1918, was without parallel. It brought to an end four dynasties, ignited revolution, and forged new nations. It introduced killing on an unprecedented scale, costing an estimated nine million lives. It was the war that destroyed any notion of romance or chivalry in battle; it pulled in combatants from nations across the globe and shattered them, body and mind.The War involved all of the world’s great powers – the Central Powers, dominated by Germany and Austria-Hungary; the Triple Entente, lead by Britain, France and Russia; and America. World War One: History in an Hour explains the unprecedented battles on land, sea and in the air and describes the Home Front, espionage, and the politics behind them. This, for the first time in history, was ‘total war’.Love history? Know your stuff with History in an Hour…

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