Collins Primary Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

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Optimised for colour tablets. The images in this e-book are not suitable for viewing on black and white e-ink devices.A colourful revision guide with three easy sections for Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling, and a Spelling Dictionary for ages 7 – 11.This Ebook is full of useful hints and tips to help children learn and revise for the KS2 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling test.Rules and advice help pupils get to grips with essential aspects of the English language. There are clear, easy-to-follow explanations and examples of how grammar works, what punctuation does, and how to spell correctly, so children can learn the difference between a prefix and suffix, learn when to use a semicolon and get to grips with tricky silent letters!The final section is a dictionary list of words that pupils must know how to spell. These have been specially selected for this age group based on real-life experience from Spelling Bees conducted by Collins Dictionaries. Many helpful tips on spelling are also included throughout the dictionary section to make learning easier.

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