Thunder Raker

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Содержание книги - Thunder Raker Justin Richards

Thunder Raker - описание и краткое содержание, автор Justin Richards, читайте бесплатно онлайн на сайте электронной библиотеки

A hilarious new series for younger readers, following the misadventures of an ordinary boy at an extraordinary school for young spies…Jake's dad is head of the Secret Service. Alice's dad is a double agent. Harry's dad has infiltrated SPUD – the Secret Partners for Undertaking Destruction. And Alfie's dad… is a postman.Thunder Raker Manor is a very exclusive school. All the pupils are there because their parents or guardians are agents and spies.All except one.Because eight-year-old Alfie's dad isn't anything to do with the secret services. He's the local postman who just reckoned that Thunder Raker Manor was a great school. So when the Head Teacher receives a letter from the Prime Minister saying that Alfie has been given a special place and will start immediately, he isn't to know that Alfie's dad wrote it and slipped it in with the 'special' post…Now Alfie has to get to grips with Thunder Raker’s unusual curriculum and some even stranger new friends. He’s got classes in camouflage (if anyone can ever find Mr Trick) and Assassination (only kids keep going missing from Miss Fortune’s class). And he’s now in permanent danger from SPUD agents. But to his surprise, Alfie finds that he might just be quite good at this spying game…

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